Refund Policy
1.In the event of cancellation by the CLIENT, the security retainer deposit paid is non-refundable. It shall be liquidated damages to PHOTOGRAPHER in the event of a breach of contract by CLIENT. The CLIENT shall additionally be responsible for payment for any PHOTOGRAPHER costs incurred up to time of cancellation. This can be up to the complete amount of the agreed upon photography fee.
2.The booking retainer fees secures the date, time and services of Two of Us Signature Studio* service is strictly non-refundable or transfer-able in the event of cancellation.
3.The booking retainer fees can be exchanged to other services such as local family, maternity or couple portraits services that substaintially equivalent to the retainer fees paid amount.
4.The remaining balance of fees due is to be paid a week before the photography service. Delivery Timeline will be based on the day that final fees is received.
5.Two of Us Signature Studio* owns all intellectual property rights on the image and finished products unless otherwise specified in the contract.
6.Photography is based on Two of Us Signature Studio* style. Major editing such as facelift, skin smoothing, eye bag removal and etc is not inclusive in the standard package unless agreed by Two of Us Signature Studio*
7.Wedding attires to be brought by CLIENT for overseas pre-wedding photoshoot. Additional charges of RM500 per piece of wedding attire to CLIENT if requested Two of Us Signature Studio to bring/send for overseas pre-wedding photoshoot.